Welcome to Ed’s Place
So, here we are with the new blog.
I suppose its up to me, as the sole contributor to this blog to welcome you if you’re reading this.
As with my previous blog, I’d like to fill it with a mixture of brain dumps from research I’ve been doing and mindless ramblings about things I’ve seen or done. Some of these ramblings will be about photography, movies and generally anything I’m thinking of at the time.
One of the first little projects I’ll be writing about is our implementation of User Management Resource Administrator (or UMRA as its otherwise known) to run batch imports of student details into Active Directory. This allows us to create the 15,000 or so student accounts we need every year.
I’ve been working on a number of other projects with this product so I’ll be adding my mad scientist style notes here too.
Anyhow, I better get on with writing the other bits now!