AGH! A White Page!
I’m not going to lie, I’m a little intimidated by the massive expanse of white space on the screen right now. I’ve totally fallen out of the habit of writing completely so I’m trying to get back on the metaphorical horse right now.
Just to catch everyone up with what’s been going on, we’ve just completed the Windows 7 rollout at work which I have been ridiculously busy working on. Some interesting stuff has fallen from the tree when it was shaken however so I’ll be getting some more scripting based posts up here in the very near future to show you some examples of what I mean.
I’ve finally started reading up in preparation for the MCITP Windows 7 exam so that should be an interesting experience too. I last sat a Prometric exam in 2005, I wonder if they’ve changed much?!? 😀
There’s also a planned trip up to Scotland on the cards quite soon so I’ll dust off the old camera and see what I can snap for you.
Other plans are afoot but I don’t want to give the whole game a away now do I?
Catch you all soon,